Pretsl is a company that makes online platforms for small grocery and restaurant business. Pretsl provides services to both the front and back of house.
Pretsl wanted to know how well their design would work with users as far as layout and functionality.
Small business owners and their employees, as well as the customers.
Conducted a cognitive walkthrough.
Assisted in gathering findings from user testing.
Created a prototype
Strong understanding of user flows.
Strong understanding of Invision.
To find out if their current design was functional and practical for the companies trying to use it.
-Pen/Pencil -Paper -Keynote -Sketch program -InVision program
The Client
Pretsl is a company that makes online platforms for small grocery and restaurant businesses. They provide services for the front end by having the platform assist with shopping and business transactions. The back end assists with inventory, sales, and product management as well as providing controls on employees and contact with customers and more. Pretsl wanted to know how well their design would work with users as far as layout and functionality. The goal was to find out if their current design was functional and practical for the companies that would be using it. The audience for this platform would-be business owners and employees that are working for the small business as well as the customers they serve. I was apart of a team of five including myself. I helped with conducting user research and each of us made a prototype for the redesign of Pretsls platform.
Work Dynamic
I was on a team of five people, myself included. Individually we each did a cognitive walkthrough of the platform before we conducted any tests and synthesize all of our findings. We all had to work around unexpected changes for times for user testing. After the testing was complete, we individually implemented design changes that needed to be addressed, from what we uncovered in the findings.
Cognitive walkthrough
After the walkthrough was complete we created a primary user research protocol. From what we all uncovered we individually put together research findings and prototype plans to gain a deeper understanding of who will be using the platform and why.
Participant testing
We all learned that sometimes with user testing that you may not get all the information that you need from the participants. We struggled with understanding what exactly they expected to see on the dashboard when they first sign in. We also learned that the participants had different experiences with different platforms and expected different aspects out of them.
Research findings and prototype plan
Sketches of the redesign work flow and design ideas
From there we individually made an interactive prototype of our proposed redesigns by using InVision. The client can tour our prototypes with points of explanation of why we made the changes that linked to what the participants said. At the end of the project, we all were able to come up with different designs for the client to choose from.
A lot of learning occurred with using InVision to prototype my design. By redesigning some for the mico-interactions to make the prototype more cohesive. Also, there was a lot to gain from what the participants had to say. Next time there should be a more defined way of redirecting the testing questions to stay away from more of the impertinent information that was not required.